Join me on this Workshop around some of the iconic locations around Liverpool including msksnxqs qslkxsqlk xqkmqxs lkqxskq kmqsxq qsxlkmqx
qsqsx qslkqx qslkqxq qlkqxkqx qwlkwqdnqw.
You will learn composition, how to expose correctly and how to understand the Exposure Triangle, how to understand camera settings and how to use filters for balancing exposure. You will also learn how to shoot long exposures slkqwklwq xlkqwqw xqqwm qwqwmwq. lqwlkwqn..
Groups 6 Places £80
One To One £140 (By Arrangement, please email me)
Date: 01/01/2020
Location: Liverpool